Dinky Dog
Dinky Dog

Animation History

"Dinky Dog" is considered to be the first animated cartoon that was widely-viewable over the internet.

Long before YouTube and broadband, there was the "animated gif," the internet as we know it was in its infancy, and most computer monitors were still 400 x 600.

Created by cartoonist M. Wartella, the Dinky Dog "discovery" was a ruse designed to confuse novice web surfers. Since its debut in 1997, the animated cartoon has received over half a trillion hits, made its way into high school reports, and even become the subject of a New York Times article.

Dinky Dog was the first online animated feature which was widely-viewable on every web browser without requiring any special "plug-in" to see. It utilizes a series of low-bandwidth animated gifs strung together on a timer to create a moving story. At the time, this was a revolutionary approach to creating web content, and it still works on all web browsers to this day.

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New York Times
November Jones

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